Call Now: (877) 751-8053
Retention Calling
We are currently posting between 67 and 89% retention on our circulation sales and newspaper retention programs.
Credit Card Declines
Fourth-quarter transaction decline rates for credit and debit cards used for subscription payments increased to 15.9% in 2016. Don’t let that affect income.
Sunday Select
Our conversion on free Total Market Coverage or Sunday Select programs can be as high as a 65% of non-subscribing households.
About Never Stop Select Services
Our Current Publishing Sector Results Just In:
Retention is in our name!! Our Starts Never Stop !!
We provide superior results on calling programs, garnering 45 to 65% paid in advance. Our grace calling continues to produce unparalleled results of 20 to 30% in upgrading frequency of delivery and longevity of service. Easy-Pay, we make it as easy as possible to be placed on or converted to your automated billing system. Make the first call and have Never Stop start working for your publication. We are located in beautiful Wilmington, NC. Our representatives are seasoned sales professionals just waiting to market and continue to brand your name into the communities in which you serve.
Newspaper Circulation Audience Development!!
Never Stop has developed a way to reach all potential audiences. We can create the perfect marketing mix that sources your potential customers via email, web, phone, or direct mail. We can consult with you on your current programs.
We know how important it is for newspapers to continue to brand themselves through different mediums today. You can be rest assured that we take every phone call with that approach. Just think every time we make a sales call on your behalf whether or not that call ends with a sale. It keeps your product in the mind of your audience. It’s a statistical fact when a consumer has been introduced to a product by some medium and then at a later time has to make a buying decision, that consumer 50% of the time decides on the product that it is more familiar with. We continue to monitor our representatives to ensure your brand is being presented professionally.
Database Mining
With all the do not call compliance and geographical areas we provide services to, we have invested in providing data services that maintain your calling universe in your specific market. Our new mover database is comprised of several sources to secure audience development with new customers in your market. We also offer you the opportunity to use this service for direct mail campaigns. We provide full data and analytical services.
Key management stays focused on core competencies. Our newspaper marketing company is performance based from top to bottom. This Improves efficiency!! Our representatives are rewarded on results.
Increase revenue per customer or satisfaction which provides return on your investment. We use performance indicators to help guard your ongoing investment, to ensure it returns to you each and every time.
Call today to learn more about our newspaper marketing services.
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